Pregnant after IF

2nd Ultrasound

Looks good! Little bean is measuring right on track and we were able to see the heartbeat. I go back in 2 weeks and if all is good, I graduate. Eep!

I realize now, though, she didn't tell us the heart rate. I asked DH and he says he didn't hear it either. Should I call them tomorrow?

Me: 31, DH: 33 Dx PCOS
5/12 -- HSG, blocked left tube cleared, cycle canceled b/c of cyst
6/12 -- Clomid 100mg + TI -- BFN
7/12 -- Clomid 100mg + TI + Progesterone -- BFN
8/12 -- Benched with a cyst
10/12 -- Clomid 100mg + TI -- BFN
11/12 -- Clomid 100mg + Trigger + TI -- BFN
12/12 -- Clomid 100mg + Trigger + IUI -- BFN
1/13 -- Clomid 100mg + Trigger + IUI -- BFFN
2/13 -- Clomid 100mg + Trigger + IUI -- BFP!!!
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EDD 10/25 BabyFruit Ticker
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