August 2013 Moms

Baby shower/ loss question

My best friend has already started asking for names and addresses for the baby shower.

One of my close friends found out she was pregnant a little while before me. Sadly, she lost the baby in December. I have to say, she is an amazing friend. She's been so supportive of me and is genuinely happy for me. I dont bring up baby first. She always asks. I've never had a loss or been around someone who has.

I would love if she came to my baby shower. It just would not feel right without her there. We've done all the major life stuff together. Graduations, weddings, etc. My only worry is that it might be too much to ask. I'd just send her an invite and let her process it that way, but i don't have her address.


I really hope none of this comes off wrong. When i heard about her loss, i honestly broke down. I can't even imagine experiencing it. That's why i want to approach this with as much tact as possible.
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