Pregnant after IF

Genetic Counselor?

Have any of you been to see one?  Our appointment is this afternoon, based on our NT blood test results of an elevated risk of Down's.  I'm not sure what to expect and am afraid it's just going to be an appointment to freak me out about everything that could be wrong with the baby.  Please tell me the appointment isn't like that!!
Me: 41 DH: 37 - AMA, DOR
BFP 2.12.2012, c/p 2.17.2012
IUIs 1-3 = BFFN :(
IVF #1 - Sept 2012 = BFFN :(
IVF #2 - Dec 2012 = BFP!! EDD 9/4/2013
Beta #1 = 107, Beta #2 = 4,650!! U/S 1/15/2013
Everyone welcome!
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