Pregnant after IF

Not PAIF related - work vent

So I just have to put this out there because it's REALLY annoying me lately.....

I am the senior staff accountant for an engineering firm and am ALWAYS busy, along with all my co-workers. My manager works 8-4 because she needs to leave and pick up her kids....which I totally understand and will be in somewhat of a similar situation a couple days a week when Hudson arrives in a few months. Most of us are here between 7:30 and 7:45 every single morning and work until at least 5, if not later. My manager does work at night for an hour or so here and there to "make up" for leaving at 4.

What really chaps my a** though is that she'll complain about "Oh my God I had to work for three hours last night...", yet when she comes into the office in the morning, most of the time, she spends up to an hour walking to each of our offices and chit chatting.....Get To Work!!! We all have been for a little while already. GO AWAY!!!

Don't complain you had to work extra when a. you are the Director of Finance of this company, b. leave at 4, and c. spend 1-2 hours during the day bullsh*tting with people!!!!

And she worries SO MUCH about what everyone else (not in her department) is doing....this morning she already IM'd me asking if one of the guys down the hall was here. I don't know, I don't care. I have my own work to do and worry about. 

Sorry for the random vent....I think I'm starting to get much more annoyed by things lately....I'm getting a little uncomfortable with the belly's extra weight and not sleeping well at night. I usually just ignore stupid things like this! LOL

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

Tried to conceive on our own for a year before moving on to fertility treatments. Dx unexplained. About 10 months of procedures, shots, and countless doctor appointments, we got our BFP! BFN on 5 IUI's
IVF#1 - ER 09/14/12, ET 09/17/12: two 8 cells, BFP: 9/28 Beta#1 56.8; 10/2 Beta#2 284; 10/5 Beta#3 939; 10/9 Beta #4 4967. One baby on board with EDD 06/07/13!
Lilypie Maternity tickers
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