Dads & Dads-to-be

Scheduled a date!

Short Version: Our little Jackson should be here Monday! He's been big since the very beginning (smallest was 63%, but usually hung out in the 90's) Went today for our last growth ultra sound, they decided since he's still big, but not scary big (8lb 8oz according to the u/s) My wife's scheduled to be induced at 6 am, the 11th (original due date was the 14th) Then the Dr. should be in around 8 to break the water, then it's a waiting game.

Long Version: 36 weeks, 2cm/50%. We found she has gestational diabetes, and that she was putting on weight a little quicker than the Dr. liked. She also had a growth u/s. He was 8lb 7oz, they were fairly confident that it would be a c-section, and told us to expect to go that route, but they wanted to wait longer, to make sure he's developed, and they don't schedule c-sections until the u/s shows 9 pounds.

37 weeks, 2cm/75%. Told c-section was still most likely the plan, and would schedule a final u/s. Were also told that the GD can lead to "linebacker shoulders" and could be risky to go natural

38 weeks, 2cm/75%. Different u/s tech and machine, he was only 8lb 8oz, so 1 oz of weight according to that. Pretty sure the femur was the same too. The wife's weight didn't change from last week. However, only a couple of shirts still cover her. 2 weeks ago, they almost all did. No mentioning of broad shoulders; and of course, we forgot to ask about that while we were there. Rather than the c-section that kept being the plan, they decided inducing was the way to go. The reasoning was that his growth "evened out" although the wife is showing a lot more.

So, come Monday morning, 39W 4D, it will be time. I believe she said they were going to use Pitocin. Anything to be concerned about? My wife's friend said that's what they gave her, and it caused her baby to go into distress, so they had to do an emergency c-section.

Thanx for reading any of it, and big thanx if you read the long version. 


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