August 2013 Moms

STM's: How did your DH handle child birth??

This is for the STM's:

My DH has recently had a conversation with some of his male coworkers about child birth and it didn't go too well. These men decided to tell him just how traumatizing child birth is and that they will never forget it and never be able to look at things the same way again. 

I am upset about it because these guys seemed to have really freaked my hubby out and I feel like he is seeing child birth as such a negative thing now before he even has a chance to form his own opinion. 

He works with some dirtbags in my opinion for them to put these thoughts in his head before he can experience it for himself. And I am equally as annoyed that he is letting them get to him.

I guess I am just looking for some feedback from STM's... Were your hubby's freaked out beforehand?  Or after the fact?  Was it all forgotten once they actually were able to see their child born??  I just want some reassurance that my easily influenced hubby will get out of this funk his stupid coworkers put him in. Ugh. 


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