2nd Trimester

Visits after birth.. Birth announcements.. Baby party..

I posted in May 2012 Moms too, but want as much advice as possible! 

My plan is to give birth in a birth center which I have not visited yet so I'm not sure about their visting policy; however, you are released within 24hours as long as everything goes as planned and the birth center is an hour drive from home. My SO is planning on taking a week off from work (unpaid :( ) to be home with me and baby just us. I do not want any visitors during that first week, which as I have seen quite a few of you on here have said a week is not too long. SO doesn't know if his parents/grandparents will drive an hour to come see us in the hospital, but if they do they will be there just waiting to bust into the room (I want a few hours without visitors). If they don't come, they will have to wait a week to see LO. My mom had a baby party when I was born and I think this is a good idea as I have a huge family and lots of people will just be dying to see LO.

So here is my plan: Atleast 2-3 hours alone (me, SO, and LO) after birth before family visits, a week of no visits while SO is off work, then a baby party sometime either right before or shortly after SO goes back to work.

As for birth announcements, I will be sending them asap and wonder if it would be okay to include the baby party info in them? Since most people who would be invited would be recieving announcements. This also allows me to know when the party would be since I would have to wait until after LO is born for all of his information that is included on announcement, I would be able to figure out a date for the party then too.

Please feel free to critize or support! I would love some feed back. Thanks!

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