August 2013 Moms

Updated News Article: surrogate refuses to abort

Mobiles... News Article: surrogate refuses to abort

Has anyone read about this?

Craziest story I have ever heard! I cant decide what I think about it. I can't even wrap my head around it.

ETA. After reading a few articles on the situation, here is the recap.

Couple wants to have children. Woman has fertility problems, they use donor eggs. She could not carry another child, so they hired a surrogate. They have two children with health issues, and have a termination clause in their contract.

Baby is discovered to have several defects on ultrasound. Parents want her to abort, offer her 10k to have abortion. She says 15k. They say no. She goes to another state that does not recognize the contract, finds an adoptive family, gives birth, then gives the adoptive family the baby.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

DS: age 4

DD: age 2

Currently pregnant with our 3rd!

BabyFetus Ticker</P

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