Pregnant after IF

Hudson's Birth Story PIP - long

I went for my 39 week appointment on Feb 28 knowing that an induction was in my future. I was still dilated 4cm and 80% effaced and baby was low. We set the induction for March 1 at 6:30 in the morning. We arrived to the hospital March 1 to get everything going. We were taken to a labor room at 7 where I was hooked up to the monitors and got an IV going. By 8, my doctor came in and broke my water and said I was 5cm and 100% effaced. (She had been worried the whole pregnancy that Hudson would be at least 9 pounds but so much fluid came out of me, she seemed to calm a bit. Joel said it must have been 2 solid minutes of nothing but fluid coming out.)

We started Pitocin and played the waiting game. My nurse had me switch positions often and we found out Hudson made the most progress while I laid on my right side. I last about an hour and a half without an epidural and felt so great after it took effect. By 2 that afternoon, the nurse said we could make a go at it and start pushing if I wanted. I did a few test pushes and Hudson started making progress, slowly. At this point she gave me two choices, I could call the doctor and let her know it was go time or we could fib a little and let the baby labor down. She recommended letting baby labor down so I wasn?t stuck pushing all night, so that?s what we did! At 4:05 she said the baby was plenty low enough and let?s get the doctor ready. I pushed every contraction from 4:05 until 7:20, I was so exhausted I could barely see straight. The very top of Hudson?s head wasn?t molding quick enough to make it under my bone and by this time, the doctor let me go 30 minutes more than what she wanted to with the pushing.

We ultimately decided to do the c-section and all of a sudden people were everywhere. I got the good epi pushed in (which I hated, I could not stand not being able to move my feet and legs) and was taken to the OR. The doctors started cutting before Joel even made it to the room, but he got to watch them pull Hudson out and clean him up. He also got to go to the nursery to watch him be weighed and have all his measurements taken. I was back in the labor/recovery room and not long after, Joel and Hudson joined me. We stayed in the hospital until the afternoon of March 4, trying to recover and get the soreness out of me.

It was a pretty easy labor until he just couldn?t get his little head through. I cried when we decided on the c-section out of frustration of pushing for so long and nothing happening, and the exhaustion. Apparently my nurse cried too, she had been doing everything she could possibly do to deliver him vaginally. In the end, we got a handsome, wonderful baby boy out of the ordeal and I wouldn?t have it any other way.


First time for me to PIP so I hope it works out well!

ETA: He weighed 7lbs 15oz and measured 21in, born at 7:51pm March 1!


TTC #1 since 3/2011
Me 25 DH 26
DX: anovulatory and severe MFI
DH is a testicular cancer survivor
12/11 first round of clomid 50 mg no response BFN
1/12 Clomid 100mg BFN
2/12 Clomid + metformin = BFN
2/20/12 HSG all clear!
IVF#1 w/ICSI lupron, gonal f, ovidrel
ER 6/15/12 6R 6M 6F! ET 6/20/12
Beta #1: 154 Beta #2: 509 Beta #3: 7326
Baby Boy EDD 3/7/2013
SAIF/PAIF Welcome!
BabyFruit Ticker
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