August 2013 Moms

Mouth kissing little ones

OK, this is probably a weird conversation. I will say that there's been some talk about whether or not kissing a child on the mouth (your own child or even someone else's) is appropriate.

I will tell you that we know of an adult, a grandfather, who has never appropriately kissed anyone. Not sure why. It's not intended to be sexual, but it comes across that way. I think it's just the way he was raised. Gross, yes. Some may say it seems like sexual abuse (trust me, I found myself screaming at this person once because of it!) Whatever it is, it's disgusting. And problematic. 

Well, because of this person and the fact that my husband was raised by a man in a "man's man" household, he said kissing a child on the mouth is inappropriate. I disagree. He relates all mouth kissers back to this one disgusting person. I think it's part of a child's learning process. 

Now I agree there comes a certain age where mouth kissing shouldn't happen often or at all (and then only within your own family), but I need some facts to help back my side up. Or is it really inappropriate? My husband was totally emotionally cut off and didn't hug one person before we started dated (and even then I had to force him into it). Yes, it's sad (and maybe due to the fact that he wasn't kissed enough as a baby) and most likely due to his sad upbringing, but what can I do here? Obviously, this is our first child. And I know people say "he will kiss the baby when it's here" but I really don't think it's the case. I've been with him for more than 12 years and he's pretty stuck in his ways.  

I'm sure this is just the first of many problems I'll be coming to you guys for! Thanks for your input.  

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