August 2013 Moms

Craigslist follow up and vent

I posted before about finding the triplet stroller I wanted on Craigslist in LA for less than a third of retail and that my friend was going to get it for me that day.

The lady called her and rescheduled for two days later.  My friend showed up 2 days later after piling her twins in the car and driving 30 minutes and she wasn't home!  She called to reschedule and the lady at first said she had the wrong number, then suddenly remembered and scheduled for Monday morning.  She was supposed to go at 10 yesterday.  Lady rescheduled for 6.  She showed up and she wasn't home again!!

I feel absolutely terrible for asking my friend for a favor that ended up being a huge PITA, and I decided I hate this lady.  What an a-hole.  I told my friend to forget and not even return her calls if and when she returns her call.

So I am once again stroller-less.  There is a nice one in San Diego for $100 more that my sister could pick up, but it has pink trim and I wanted all black.  Plus if I get pink, I am sure one of them will end up being a boy.  I think I will just buy a new one and save the hassle.

On a good note, I did find and buy 2 Boon Flair highchairs for a great deal:)

Anyone else have any craigslist vents or finds?

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