3rd Trimester

baby shower drama

Hi everyone,

 I do not post much, mostly lurk, but I have an issue that I would like some insight/advice/words of wisdom/opinions on.

 Some history:  my family all lives in town, my DH's family is all about 3 hours away.  He is the oldest in his family and although we all get along, it often feels like he and I are afterthoughts for family functions.

We are 27 weeks pregnant with the first grandchild on each side of the family.  I have some friends throwing me a baby shower in a week.  I am super excited for the shower and was really excited to have everyone get together to celebrate the baby.  When the planning started I asked my mil if she thought their side of the family would all be okay making the trip for this shower and she said of course they would, she knew of nothing being planned out there and to go ahead and invite everyone for one big party.  Fast forward 2 months and my mil is the only person from my husbands family planning on coming.  Everyone else says the drive is too long and I should have planned a shower out there (I am not planning my own shower - tacky).  I will also mention that my DH and I are more than capable of buying all the things we need for the baby.  We registered only so we can use the completion coupons to finish off the registry and get some deals on the big stuff we want.

 I found out yesterday that my mil is the only one coming.  Right now I feel even more like an afterthought.  MIL mentioned that if a bunch of the family cannot come (which the are not) then she would probably throw together a family shower.  Problem is my work schedule makes finding a weekend when I am available to drive 3 hours one way difficult.  I am more than happy to go out there, but I am due at the very beginning of June.  My Dr. does not think I will make it to my due date since baby keeps measuring big and I am very small.  That leaves only a few weekends left in this month and April available.  I am hoping to not have to go far in May and would like to be able to have time to buy what we need and get it set up before my due date.  

As happy as it would make me to get to celebrate with his side of the family, a last minute shower thrown together because nobody wanted to drive out here makes me feel like it is a pity shower.  

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