Pregnant after IF

Pointless whine/vent

It's restaurant week where I live and every restaurant has awesome deals. I made several reservations weeks ago at places that are normally too expensive for us but now I'm too nauseous to go. I love food and was so excited to try some of these places so this makes me really sad! 

Ok, whine over. Just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening :) 

Me: 33, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, DOR (AMH .35), DH: 38, Borderline low morph
5/09- Off BCP, 5/09-9/09- No period, 9/09-9/10- Lots of Tests & accupuncture
10/10 and 11/10- 2 rounds of Menopur + TI= BFNS
12/10-IUI #1 Menopur = BFN
1/11- IUI #2 Menopur = BFP, 2/11 missed mc at 9 weeks, D&C
5/11- Operative Hysteroscopy to remove uterine septum
6/11- IUI #3 Menopur = BFP, 8/11 missed mc at 11 weeks, D&C
1/12- Lap and Operative Hysteroscopy to remove uterine septum (again) & scar tissue
2/12- Stint Removal, 3/12 repeat SHG and HSG- showed scar tissue blocking right tube
4/12- Operative hysteroscopy (again), RE said he can now see right tube (yay!)
5/12- Stint removal, 6/12 repeat SHG and HSG-both tubes are open!
8/12- IUI #4 Bravelle = BFN
9/12-IUI #5 Bravelle = BFN
1/13- IVF #1, micro-flare protocol, 7R, 6F, 5dt of 2 AA embryos, 1 to freeze = BFP
Beta #1: 176, Beta #2: 422, EDD 10/8/13- it's TWINS!
*PAIF/SAIF always welcome*
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