Pregnant after IF

Success with IVF/PGD? (sorry, long...)

Hello Everyone,

I'm a first-time poster on this board and I apologize if I'm in the wrong place, please just let me know where to post if this question is not relevant to those here. 

I recently suffered my 3rd miscarriage in 1 year; my husband and I do not have any children.  I have PCOS and Celiac Disease which obviously effects ovulation, so each of my pregnancies were helped with the use of oral medication (e.g. clomid).  Obviously, infertility isn't really our issue as we have become pregnant relatively easily; however, keeping the pregnancies is now the challenge.  We both have been tested for everything under the sun, and have been diagnosed as "normal."  The only explanation for the repeated loss is due to chromosomal abnormalities which are really common hence why miscarriages (1 in 3 pregnancies) is common.  Obviously, after 3 consecutive losses though, you start thinking, am I really just that unlucky?  

I have been seeing an RE since my second loss, in hopes that something would have been discovered, but she too found no clear reason as to why we keep loosing our pregnancies.  After our last loss, last week, she recommended IVF because apparently in the last two years they have developed the technology/science to genetically diagnose embryos prior to implementation (PGD).  Because most likely our recurrent losses are due to chromosomal abnormalities, this procedure of the embryos preimplantation would eliminate one major variable as to why this keeps happening.  

We know we are very fortunate that IVF is 100% covered by my insurance and thus we have decided that we would always wonder 'what if?' if we did not try this; however, I am obviously nervous.  We expressed to my RE that we no longer are interested in having biological children (even if the percentages show we have a 75-80% chance of having a healthy full-term pregnancy on our own) if some intervention is not possible, hence why this option was suggested.  She was really positive about it and feels this could be our solution, but at the same time I know with each loss it becomes harder and harder to cope. 

So in short, I'm looking for some inspiration/hope. Has anyone had a similar experience to me?  Has anyone had success with PGD after having recurrent loss?  Any support or success stories that I can relate to would be very much appreciated.

Once again, I'm sorry if I should not have approached you all, I'm just looking for some hope to cling to as I'm scared of the unknown future we're facing.

 Thank you! 

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