August 2013 Moms

Dental Apts!!

So I didnt really think this through b/c I hate the dentist BUT I heard a podcast in which they were really stressing the importance of regular teeth cleaning. Apparently Gingivitis can cause alot of issues with the fetus! I didnt know this!!! I know that people who floss live longer etc etc.

I hate the dentist b/c of the metal thing they scrape against your teeth, it kills me...But Ill do anything for my baby so Im making my dentist Apt! Good thing I included this in my insurance!

I hope all you ladies get on this if you havent! Very important. If you don't have insurance try to find a dental school at a university I heard they do things for free. You do have to wait a long time but hey its for the baby!!

~Happy Monday....Im feeling way better now in 2nd trimester. Havent thrown up in a week!!!!!!! : )

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