August 2013 Moms

Meltdown in 3, 2, 1.....

UGH!  So my melt down is only semi baby related.  I spent my morning talking with my grad school intern placement advisor and was basically ripped to shreds for stupid reasons, long story short apparently my focus of work population is entirely too narrow and needs to be changed, regardless of my feelings on the situation...among other things that now have me questioning my educational choices. 

 Then I get home and my two cousins who are also pregnant and due the same week as me have a cute pic on Facebook of their perfect, cute little baby bump bellies.  Me?  I just look fat...seriously.  Yes I had a little extra padding before getting pregnant but come on!  

I've yet to have a full blown pregnancy meltdown but I'm fairly certain that will all end today!   BTW thanks for listening to me rant....

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