Pregnant after IF


Hey... I was reading your blog the other day (which I really enjoy by the way!) and wanted to throw a name out for you.  This one popped into my head and you may hate it but I think it's cute.  Anyway, the name is Elliot.  And maybe I'm thinking it because of the Elliot Bay Book Store but for some reason it has just stuck with me for you (even though I don't know you at all) :)

I hope you're doing great!  Again, I love your blog!  You're just a little ahead of me and it's so fun to see what's coming up!! :)

Me: 41 DH: 37 - AMA, DOR
BFP 2.12.2012, c/p 2.17.2012
IUIs 1-3 = BFFN :(
IVF #1 - Sept 2012 = BFFN :(
IVF #2 - Dec 2012 = BFP!! EDD 9/4/2013
Beta #1 = 107, Beta #2 = 4,650!! U/S 1/15/2013
Everyone welcome!
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