August 2013 Moms

Rough day

So today my daughter had what I like to call a very independent day. She did not want to listen for anything. Me, hubby and his grandmother went to Home Depot. My daughter kept whining and crying to get out of the cart. So I take her out but then she is whining and crying to walk. So I put her down and hold her hand but she is trying to break free. She wants to roam. Well she breaks free and I am chasing down the aisles. Walking with her and then we try it again. So the same process happens about 5 times and I am beyond frustrated. I finally say to my husband lets leave now. I nearly breakdown and think what the hell was I thinking getting pregnant so soon! Then I feel guilty for thinking that. I know it will all work out but I am one scared momma tonight.

One thing hat my daughter did while at Home Depot is go to a random 3 or 4 year old and give him a hug. She is a little flirt!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Nezi again
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