Pregnant after IF

Pretty intense pelvic pain

Ladies, I'm trying to decide if this is worth a call to my Doctors office or not.  (They are closed, so not sure who I am going to get but someone always answers the phones).  Since yesterday I have been having some pretty intense pain/aching in my pelvic area.  At first I thought one of the babies was just sitting low and causing pressure, but we're now about 24 hours and it feels little worse than yesterday.  Problem is, I can't tell where the pain in coming from, exactly.  But if I go from standing to walking I can barely stand straight up and have to walk like I just got off a horse.  If I stay walking for a while it seems to improve, but it hurts quite a bit when I first stand up.  Any thoughts??  Anyone know what this might be?
TTC #1 since 2/2011. Me: Age 36. Stage III Endo and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
IUI #1 March: BFN, IUI #2 April: BFN.
IVF #1: Started stims 7/30--CANCELLED.
IVF #1.2: Stims start 10/8/12, ER: 10/20/12; 11R/8M/4F, 5DT: 10/25/12, transfer of a 4AA and 3AB Blast. BFP on HPT 10/31/12; Beta #1: (16 DPO) 954! Beta #2: (18 DPO) 1968! First U/S: TWINS!! A/S: TWO BOYS! EDD: 7/13/13
PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome.
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