Pregnant after IF


I would pay good money if somebody would deliver a gallon of milk to my house right now. DH and I ate at a local bakery for lunch after my dr appt today and got some cookies to go. I have GD so I can't be eating lots of cookies. But I was saving some carbs for a cookie. Imagine my meltdown when I later got home from work to find he'd eaten them all. Ugh. And he had finished off our gallon of milk. So now I can't even convince myself to eat nilla wafers in place of my awesome cookies because we don't have any milk.

No real point to this post except to whine. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Me 25, DH 32
MF (low motility)
Trying for baby #1 for 2 years
Began stims for IVF#1 7/21/12
ER 8/2/12 - 14 eggs retrieved, 12 mature and ICSI'd, 6 fertilized. ET 8/7 - 2 embies. Beta#1 8/17: 143! Beta#2 8/20: 590! Beta#3 8/22: 1,162! 1st US 9/4: one beautiful little bean with the best sounding HB I've ever heard!
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