August 2013 Moms

16 Week appointment . .

had my 16 week appointment.  We got to hear the heartbeat.  167 bpm.  Love it.  Doctor was funny, because he was like, can't determine the gender that way, but I thought it would be fun to know.  

They did the Mat21 blood test today.  So, he said we have to make a decision in the next two weeks to see if we want to know the sex.  We might havethem write it on a piece of paper and take our time deciding.  

The only thing is that.  This is my third baby and we had decided we would stay with the same OB that delivered my first and second.  However, he made me nervous about the fact that I'm an hour away and that i won't make it in time,  I had discussed this with my OB before we had gotten pg and now I'm all nervous about it again, after I felt like my husband and I had thought and discussed and made a firm decision.


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