Pregnant after IF

BFP Question

Hello ladies!  I normally post on 3T but I had a quick question about your BFP prior to your first beta.  Did you get dark lines or lines that were barely visible? I ask because this is our first cycle with Clomid + Ovidrel and my test is tomorrow morning but I got a BFP on 11dpo that was fairly faint but it was after work so I had drank a lot of water. Both DH and I could clearly see the line!  Then I took a HPT with FMU on 12dpo and got BFN. Then when I took another test last night I got another really faint BFP.  I'm just wondering what other people's experiences were and if you would call your RE to let them know you already got a BFP before I go in tomorrow morning.  I am not stressed, just trying to remain in the mind frame of "I can't change it at this point, so just go with it".  Thanks so much! 
My Ovulation Chart
Me 30 H 32 * Married November 2012 * TTC since September 2012
Hx of Right Sided Heart Failure, Pulmonary Embolisms and Nephrotic Syndrome
Dx with Lupus May 2005 * Dx with PCOS Dec 2012
Referred to RE Dec 2012 * SA: Perfect! * CD3 BW: Normal * SIS: Good
Starting Feb 2013: Clomid 100mg + Ovidrel trigger = BFP!!!
EDD: 11/9/13
3/2/13 Beta # 1: 15 *Come on baby... Let's multiply!*
3/5/13 Beta # 2: 72
BabyFruit Ticker
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