Pregnant after IF

Intro - Happy to be here!! :)

I wanted to officially introduce myself, after my awesome orgasm post this morning Wink

I am moving over from Infertility. After 4 failed IUIs and 1 IVF, we are finally preggers. DH and I have been waiting for this moment for 3.5 years, and it's still very surreal.

Beta #2 was today and came in at 368. We transferred 1 embie. Everything else is looking good hormone-wise. They will not check a 3rd beta, and my first U/S is in 3 weeks. Hope that comes fast!!

Thanks for having me and happy to be here with you all (finally!)

**TTC #1 since Sep 2009** Me: 31 DH: 29 (healthy, SA = normal)

DX (May 2010) = Lap #1 showed Stage I-II endometriosis. HSG normal. Tx with 6 mo Lupron (which did nothing...) Lap #2 June 2011 to remove endo, uterine fibroid, and polyp

IUI #1-#3 (July-Sep 2011): All Clomid 50 mg + unmonitored IUI = All BFN

October 2011 - April 2012: Outta $$$ (no insurance coverage) = back to tryin' on our own

May 2012 - August 2012: Mental break from trying

October 2012: New OB. Bloodwork normal aside from slightly low progesterone

November 2012: IUI #4: Letrozole 2.5 mg + Novarel trigger + monitored IUI + progesterone = BFN

IVF #1: Long Lupron Protocol,Menopur,Follistim, ER = 2/12/13 27R/26M/23F

2/17/13 Transferred 1 perfect Grade 1 blast. 17 frostbabies.

HPT 7dp5dt: BFP!!! Beta #1 9dp5dt: 108 Beta #2 11dp5dt: 368

U/S #1 3/21:

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