August 2013 Moms

A letter to my BFF (rant)

A letter to my BFF (rant) 

I'm sure I'm being irrational, and I can't believe I missed WTF Wednesday with this.. buuuuut....

Dear BFF, I am aware you are planning a trip to Vegas in August. Super. Good for you. No need to tell me, literally, every time you see me that I'm "not allowed" to have my baby early, because you won't be back til the 17th. (I'm due the 19th)

Bite me. My baby will come, when my baby is ready. If you're going to keep this up for the rest of this pregnancy, I WILL give you an ear full.

Additionally, if you were SO worried about being here for the birth (day) then you wouldn't have scheduled a vacation in August. But I don't expect you to plan your life around mine, or visa versa. So just quit! You're not being cute, you're being annoying! 

I don't know how many times I have to explain to people (especially other women) that a due date is not a "best by" date! Baby could be 2 weeks out either side of that estimated due date! I'm not going to cross my legs and refuse to give birth if someone isn't in the waiting room. Geez.

Ok, deep breathes. /sigh - If you read this at all, thanks for letting me b!tch! 

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