3rd Trimester

TMI questions about unusual discharge at 29 weeks

Hey, ladies. I'm almost 29 weeks along in my second pregnancy and wanted to run this by you.

For the last three days, I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. They suddenly started up on Monday (all day) after I had had almost none during this entire pregnancy. They've been pretty regular since.

For the last couple of days I've also noticed increased discharge in my pantyliner. TMI, but I figured it was leaking urine since this is pg #2 and things aren't as tight as they used to be (I also pee a little when I sneeze). However, I just smelled it and it was very strongly sweet and sort of yeasty. Aside from the B/H contrax, I don't feel I have any other symptoms of a possible UTI.

Then, today, I had some small spots of blood in my pantyliner, but after wiping I was almost 100% positive it was due to chafed skin rather than anything internal. This pregnancy has otherwise been 100% normal (thank goodness).

I have my regular check-up this Friday and plan to ask about all of this, but do you guys think I need to call before then? 

natural m/c 7.1.10 :|: sticky baby 4.25.11 :|: #2 due 5.18.13 BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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