3rd Trimester

Wrong medication, I don't know who screwed up

I asked for something for heartburn from a doctor filling in for mine on Vacation. I got the prescription from the pharmacy and it only says take every 6 hours as needed by mouth, do not take with grapefruit. I didn't think to google it, I should have. I will for any future medication pregnant or not now. The medication is called Nifedipine, it's a blood pressure medication they used in the hospital at 33 weeks to try and treat my contractions. I had negative reactions to it from severe nausea to hot and cold sweats, flushed face, and racing heart. I have been taking it for almost 5 days, I should have known that my sickness and flushed face weren't normal. Finally tonight I was just fed up with feeling like poo and this crap not working and googled it. I am so pissed. You are telling me for almost a week I have been stopping any possible contractions?! I also thought my amount of BH has been positively low. Almost non existent! I litterally want to shake someone's teeth out. I have a c-section scheduled for 12 days but if I go in to labor before that point, I get to try labor. I feel just cheated. Probably ridiculous. But man my hormonal self is in meltdown mode right now.
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