July 2012 Moms

Appointment this morning

Was awful. Warning - this is a downer, so don't read if you're anxious about your A/S!

DH said it felt like getting punched in the gut for three hours. I say it felt like that but with needles getting stuck in me everywhere also.

Short answer is that the baby has a lot of the soft markers for Down Syndrome as well as a brain abnormality that is another marker or could be a sign of other problems.  The doctor put the odds at 1 in 4 for Down Syndrome. If it's something else, then we don't really know what the brain abnormality means, so in that case we'll need more testing.  I was able to have an amnio right after, which I wouldn't have done, but with 1 in 4 there was no way I was going to be able to just wait it out, so we get the results from the FISH on Wednesday and find out the amnio results in two weeks.  I have no idea how to react or what to think or what to feel.  Now I'm sitting on the couch trying to stop crying with a crampy uterus, a sore glute (I'm RH- so I had to have a rhogam shot), and a sore arm from the blood draw.

Hope your Mondays are better than mine is so far.

CuteFeet1 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Cloth diapering, exclusively pumping SAHM to baby girl M, born 6/27/2012 with T21.
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