3rd Trimester

what if i don't return after maternity leave...please help!

Hi Girls,

 My maternity leave is scheduled to start after this week. After many conversations with my husband, it sounds like it is better for our family if I do not continue to work after baby #2 is here.  I was considering going on maternity leave and then returning for a week or two and giving my notice.  From the paperwork I have, it says if I fail to return to work after maternity leave all together then I have to pay back what my employer has paid towards my benefits while I am on leave.  Is there any way of calculating how much this would be?  Has anyone done this?  I feel like it is slightly unethical to plan on not returning, but I'm thinking if it ends up being too difficult to return even for a few weeks, I'd like to know how much I'm in the hole for.  I am considering talking to my boss end of this week and telling her I do not plan on returning and would like to just give my notice, unless she can help to place me in another position with shorter shifts (currently working 12 hour shifts).  I only want a very part time position.  

What would you do in my position? 

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