August 2013 Moms

Freaking out, please help

My general doctor noticed that my thyroid was very enlarged yesterday, and I'm waiting on bloodwork results to see what's up.  I thought my ob checked my thyroid in the beginning of pregnancy, but it turns out she did not (when I called my ob to tell them about the enlarged thyroid, the nurse yelled "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOODD!!! into the phone, so I started panicking).  Naturally, I've been all through the pregnancy books and all over the internet looking for information on thyroid problems and pregnancy and all I see is stuff about mental retardation, neurological problems, deafness, etc.  I also found that many pregnancy thyroid problems can be caused by an iodine deficiency and when I looked in my cupboard, I noticed that I bought the non-iodized salt by mistake and have been using that for months.  I am losing my mind and I am so scared I might have hurt my baby without having any idea.  Is there anyone out there who has had thyroid issues that can perhaps talk me down?
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