Pregnant after IF

Clinic is really starting to bother me...

Let me start off by saying I've never had great experiences with the nursing/office staff at my clinic. After my transfer was done, I've been going to my family doctor to have all my labs done. The fertility clinic gets the results and then requests the next labs. It's a weird set up, but it works for me - especially because I love family doc and my clinic is 2+ hours away.

Anyway, My last beta (yesterday, at 20dp3dFET) was up to 1300, and my progesterone is up to 46.5.  My betas have been lowish, but doubling great. Now my clinic wants me to repeat my labs again tomorrow. I'm starting to worry that they're suspecting something is wrong but just not telling me. Shouldn't they just be requesting an ultrasound at this point?? My plan at this point is to not have any more labs done and just request an ultrasound from my family doc. Does that sound unreasonable?

8/2010 IVF#1 (After many failed/cancelled IUI cycles) 3dt of 2 beautiful embryos - 3 frosties Betas-12dp3dt-215 : 16dp3dt-1175 : 20dp3dt-5088 Lilypie Second Birthday tickers 2/2013 FET#1 Transfer of 1 9 cell embryo and 1 7 cell compacted embryo. Beta #1 11dp3dFET - 37 Beta #2 13dp3dFET - 71 Beta #3 16dp3dFET - 297 Beta #4 20dp3dFET - 1300 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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