Blended Families

AW: Cutest SS award goes to...

My little SS!  It's BMs week with the kids this week so when SO dropped them off at her house yesterday afternoon he told them that he was headed to my parents house to celebrate my dad's birthday.  My dad turned 62 this weekend and we were having a little family dinner to celebrate. 

SO hadn't been at the house more than 10 minutes when SS calls SO's cell phone.  When SO asked him what he was up to he said "I wanted to call and wish Mr. Roger a happy birthday!  Can I talk to him??"  It was so adorable watching my dad chat with SS and even cuter that SS has a little speak delay so R's come out as Ws.  Let me tell you that Mr. 'Woger' was a very happy birthday boy and SO and I pretty much melted!

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