3rd Trimester

Back problems = labor problems?

I have some serious back issues and have been seeing a chiropractor regularly since I was 12 years old. Sometime in my childhood (or perhaps even at birth) I suffered an injury that led to my one hip being slightly more forward and higher than the other. As you can imagine, this causes severe stress to my lower back that has only gotten worse with age. I often "go out" resulting in my spine displacing itself about 8-12 inches to my left. It's quite the freak-show sight to see!

Anyways, all has been well through my pregnancy until about 3 weeks ago. The lower back pain has arrived and won't let up. I see my chiro every week, but the adjustments don't seem to do anything. I am fine with the pain and can tough it out for 7-8 more weeks, but now I'm fearful of labor....

In my prenatal Yoga class last week we were "practicing" labor positions and I could not even assume the position (on your back, legs pulled up towards your chest) let alone hold it for 10 seconds and mimick pushing. I was in tears trying.. b/c of pain, not frustration.

I was planning on an epidural but now both my chiro and yoga instructor are warning that this could lead to a more severe back injury b/c I won't be able to feel how much I'm straining my back... they both suggested a natural (read = no pain killers), squating birth... and that scares me even more!

Anyone have any suggestions or experience??

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