August 2013 Moms

Craigslist FTW!

So I have been stalking Southern California Craigslist, where I have a SIL and 3 bff's.  I love high end baby lines, but not the price.  And LA has tons of used high end baby equipment.  I never see any of it on my local Vegas CL. 

In all my research for a triple stroller, only one has great reviews across the board, the Valco Twin Tri Mode with extra seat. No one sells it in Vegas, and I have never seen one on craigslist here.  I found one in LA for less than I have ever seen it, $250.  It retails for about $850 with the toddler seat.  My friend is going to get it today for me, yay!

I also found the Boon Flair highchair I wanted for $70 (retail $230), and I have my eyes out for a second one.  And I may have found that too.

Now I just need to find a bargain on a second Oeuf Sparrow crib and I will be all set with my big purchases wishlist!

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