Pregnant after IF

Baby is here!

Team green has turned team pink!

Emma Lynn was born Feb 23 at 5:29 PM at 38 weeks 3 days. I went to my Dr appointment Friday morning and according to the growth u/s she had only gained about 5oz in 2 weeks, so they decided to induce. I went in Friday night for a cervidil induction. Saturday morning at 8am I was 2-3 cm and the Dr broke my water and started pitocin. Had two epidurals that completely stopped working after two hours, so I got to have an unplanned pain med-free birth. Cried like a baby because it hurt so bad. Pushed for about an hour, which was pretty good considering she was still -2 station when we started. Normally they would have had me labor down for an hour but since I was in so much pain we decided to push. I ended up with some pretty good internal tears but otherwise we are both doing great! Emma is 5lb 14oz and 19 inches long, and everyone says she looks like mommy :)


I wanted a photo with the newspaper of the day she was born and love that this was the top headline. After 3 1/2 years of heartbreak she really is a dream come true!


TTC #1 since Sept '09 Dx: Severe MFI/Azoo
IVF w/ICSI - 15R, 12M, 10F - transferred 2; froze 3
Beta #1 150 Beta #2 320
7/16 124 bpm (6w5d) 7/31 168 bpm (8w6d) 8/22 170 bpm (12w)
EDD 3/6/13
Our team green baby was a girl! Emma Lynn born 2/23/13
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