Dads & Dads-to-be

Guys: What do we want this board to be?

Hi fellow XY Chromosome havers:

We've built a great little community up here in the past few months. We've been getting a steady stream of new faces and some nice discussions going.

We also clearly attract a lot of ladies looking to "Ask Men" questions. They range from the lighthearted (What should I get my DH for a present) to the serious, to the downright depressing.

I'm curious how everyone feels about the steady stream of ladies and their questions. On the one hand I don't really personally think this board should be "NO GIRLS ALOUD!" (picture the S written backwards in an adorable way). But, I also don't necessarily want it to be "Dear Dads" either. And we've had a few threads where we've gotten a lot of women talking to other women, which is fine, but not sure why it should be on this board.

We tried the sticky thread hoping it might be a magnet, but it didn't really work.  We tend to snark the lighthearted questions and often tell the ladies with detached fathers that most of the men around here can't really relate as anyone who posts on a dad message board is usually pretty excited to be a father. I also would not want to see genuine cries for help removed.

What say ye, fellow men? Is everything fine as is? Should there be some level of moderation regarding lady-questions? If so, do we need a new moderator, since TheLastStraw is long gone? Am I over thinking this?

-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules. -This might be the one place on the internet where it's feasible someone would pretend to be an Adult Man.
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