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I don't know what to do

My husband and I welcomed our first child 3 months ago.  At first he was amazing.  He'd get up to help change her, wanted to spend time with her and he was very attentive.  Recently, the last month, he started acting more and more like he's in high school again (he's 31).  He bought $700 worth of "go fast" car parts (definitely not necessity parts), refuses to get up to feed her (she's FF), and yelled at me for buying her a new crib mattress.  He's being more selfish.  We had a fight about him taking her for the day b/c he "wanted to spend time" with his daughter but his mom watched her all day while he and his brother put the new parts on the car.  It's like the novelty of having a new baby has worn off and he doesn't care anymore.  He sits in front of either his computer or phone all day on his days off.  Yesterday, he was "watching cartoons" on his computer with his headphones in his ears while our daughter screamed on the floor next to him.  I don't know what to do.  How can I even approach him about his behavior w/o it turning into a huge fight?  I need a partner and a father, not a teenager.  Do a lot men go through this?  He's just being so selfish lately it's like he's not even the same person I married.  Please help. Thanks!
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