Pregnant after IF

Getting 3rd Beta drawn???

I had my 2nd beta drawn on Monday.  My next appt was set for the 28th which is for an ultrasound.  My RE doesn't typically draw 3rd betas unless you ask.  My nurse said I could either go there tomorrow or Monday or get my b/w done at my normal ob/gyn since he's local ( drive about an hour to my RE).  I called to make an appt. with my normal OB for tomorrow.  The nurse did say they use a different lab than my RE.  Does this make a huge difference.  Should I just drive an hour to my RE to get the b/w done?  I might freak out if the numbers are extremely disparate than those taken at my RE.  Has anyone had to get lab work done by two separate labs before?  What were your experiences?

All Welcome

Me: 29 DH: 30

IF DX severe endo SA: PERFECT!

7/16/2011 Married handsome hubby!
9/2012 Lap/Hystercopy DX w/ Stage III endo
Bilaterial Uterine Suspension/D&C/HSG
HCG/D&D on R/L ovaries/chromaltubation/Uterine Polyp
10/2012 RE consult. DX move straight to IVF
IVF #1 11/27/2012
IVF #1 Cancelled for Low Response and Converted to IUI #1 --- BFN

IVF #1.2 BCP 12/29 Stims 1/21 w/ New Protocol - Antongonist (225 Menopur, 150 Follistim, & Ganirelix)
ER 2/2/13 11R,9M,8F -- ET 2/7/13 2 Beautiful Perfect Blasts/5 made it Freeze! -- 2/12/12 +HPT -- 2/14/13 Beta #1 71 -- 2/18/2013 Beta #2 521 YAY! Let this be our take home baby!

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