August 2013 Moms

Spotting *Update*

My baby died at 11 weeks.  I should be 14 weeks.  I scheduled a D&C for Friday morning, but from the way I am feeling now, I think I will pass the baby naturally sometime this evening.  The spotting has stopped but the cramping has picked up quite a bit.  If it is like last time, I will have pretty painful contractions until the baby and placenta passes.  


This baby was unplanned, but we were so very excited.  And now we are heartbroken.  We will be getting genetic testing since this is my 3rd miscarriage, but I will not be getting pregnant again.  I have 3 angel babies and 3 earth babies and I think that is enough for me.  It's a tough decision, but I think it is one I have to make.  My last 2 term pregnancies were high risk for various reasons.  We can go back to planning the things we wanted to do before I found out I was pregnant, although I would much rather hold my baby in my arms in August than do anything else.  That is the hardest part.  Forgetting that were supposed to have a sweet baby to love.  Another person around.  We are so very sad, but I am grateful for the 3 girls I do have.


Fortunately my situation is rare, and I hope you all have happy, uneventful pregnancies. 




Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Missed miscarriage discovered at 16 weeks on 10/11/10. Baby measuring 12 weeks. Natural miscarriage 10/12/10. We will miss you forever. Chemical pregnancy on June 2012.
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