August 2013 Moms

Re-Intro & Failure

Hi ladies! IDK if I am remembered or not, but I was here in the beginning before HG roared its ugly head. I started the blog we have, but I never ever update past about 11 weeks ago! UGH. Is there interest in me updating this? I'd be happy to work on it now that I can eat, and my house is clean again! Let me know!

here is some more re-intro stuff:
I have an almost 18 mo DD and she is as sweet as sugar, but also pretty feisty about naps and bedtime. We are finding out the sex of this baby SATURDAY and I can't wait! We will make a big deal of gender reveal and I don't care who hates it! LOL! We won't be having a shower or any kind of formal celebration for this baby, so we decided the gender reveal is the way to go. :) We did a pinata for DD and I ahve some cute ideas for this one as well. FTR, I really think its a boy. I just graduated with a BS from a pretty good university in December and am on the job hunt, whilst hiding my belly. I work at a portrait studio PT in the meantime, and am trying to hold on to that to keep my discounts. ;)

Hope everyone is doing well :)
Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Maternity tickers
BFP #1: 12/22/10. EDD: 9/4/11. BDay: 8/30/11
BFP #2: 10/16/12. EDD: 6/27/13. Said Goodbye: 10/22/12
BFP #3: 11/20/12. EDD: 8/1/13. STICK BABY STICK!
Betas: 11/30/12 - 2819. 12/2/12 - 7339! Keep growing, baby!

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