August 2013 Moms

DH time off vent

So was just texting with DH about taking some days off while our kids have spring break, and he said something about saving days for when I go into labor. "Yay" I thought. Then he said how he was only planning on taking 1 day off. Boo. :( I almost started crying. He only gets 5 days off this year (next year he'll double that), and we're supposed to have a extended weekend 'vacation' and he needs to save days for the holidays. But I had this fantastical idea of him being with me the first few days. This is my first pregnancy and newborn, and I'm not worried I'll need "help", but I just want him there. :( Instead looks like I'll be spending it alone. Kids in school, me alone at home with a newborn.

I hope my baby waits to be born on a Friday!! (Due date is saturday of a holiday weekend, so MAYBE I'll have some company! haha)

Okay. End vent.

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