Pregnant after IF

super caustious early intro.

Well ladies, I'm back over here. FET #2 worked, (not surprisingly since I apparently have no troubles getting pregnant with ART, it's the staying pregnant part I have a difficult time with.) my history is in my siggy too.

Anyway, I decided to intro with the hopes that this time we will get our take home baby. We transferred 2 day 5 blasts one expanded and they both had AH. We had done PGS on these little guys, so they were frozen twice and thawed twice. FX that since we know they are chromosomally normal, and that seem pretty strong to survive being thawed twice at least one of them are here to stay for the long haul. I tested + with a digi HPT on Monday at 5dp5dt.

Here's to diving in and hoping. Looking forward to finally sticking around, (hopefully).


ETA: fix subject line.

ETAA: my first beta is scheduled for 2/27 which is a week away, but seems like a month away.

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