Pregnant after IF

NT scan tmrw; I'm terrified...

... of what we might find.  I guess b/c I'm cursed with the "triple threat" [IF, AMA, prior m/c], I keep feeling that something is going to be wrong with this pg.  It also doesn't help that there are "bad" NT postings daily on TB on various boards, and I just think that it's going to happen to me too.  I guess in a way, I'm hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst.

What if:

1) the scan shows no hb and I had a fetal demise (my last u/s was 5 wks ago in wk7, so much can happen btw then and now); or

2) the scan shows hb but major abnormality which will eventually lead to fetal demise; or

3) the scan shows healthy baby but bad NT measurement; or

4) the scan reveals normal measurement but b/w comes back at high risk...

The "what ifs" are plaguing my mind.  And I know that even if the 1st tri screen comes back completely good, I'll then worry about the 2nd tri screen & a/s.  UGH, when will this worrying end?

I guess I'm just venting here (didn't help that I couldn't sleep btw 2-5am last night).  If you have any spare positive vibes, please send them my way!  Thanks for listening.

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