August 2013 Moms


So, I work with a couple teenagers that are having/had a baby (gave birth today).

Long story short, when she was about 6-7 months they broke up, he started partying all the time, she broke off all contact with him, and has limited any communication to bare minimum updates about the baby.

Fast forward to her 9th month. Baby daddy has now gotten a tattoo with the baby boys name. Baby mama found out, and decided that since they have no mutual friends anymore, and there's no way he'd find out, she's going to change the name.

Fast forward to today (baby boys birthday), and she TOTALLY CHANGED THE NAME. I'm watching this unfold on facebook, like the child I am, and she is posting things about "Zachary", while he is posting things about "Kayden". I think that's the "best" part...he STILL doesn't know! 

I know I'm going straight to he!! for finding amusement in this, as it's a horrible thing to do (one thing to change your mind, another completely to change the name to be vindictive). Just thought I'd share, because I know that I am NOT the only person to find the sick amusement in all of this. 

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