August 2013 Moms

How big?

Were you when you were born?

So I just found out I was a little over 10lbs. when I was born....I'm bumping mobile but I would love to insert a SUPER shocked face here.

My mom swears that big babies run in our family as my grandmothers smallest baby was 10lbs. I'm trying my hardest to eat healthy and watch my weight as I have always been pretty active and in a healthy weight range. A 10lbs. baby is not normal right? My mom had a normal pregnancy with me and didn't develop GD.

Is your baby's weight hereditary? I'm a little freaked that's all...
PAL/PgAL Always Welcome. EDD is 08/14/2013. Missed Miscarriage EDD: 08/25/2012-"I loved your for a thousand years and I will love you for a thousand more" Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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