Pregnant after IF

Well, I'm miscarrying.

I already lost Baby B. Baby A's heart rate is low. Everything has looked great for several ultrasounds - they both had great heart rates to start with. I was really starting to enjoy it and be happy. Now I've lost one and will likely lose the other. They don't know why. I'm devastated. All our close friends and family knew already because we were open about doing IVF and everyone asked. It's so hard to take it back.

TTC #1 for Dh, #2 for me. HSG clear. Low AMH and endo. Multiple Clomid w/TI cycles - all BFNs. 2 IUIs with Clomid and 1 with Femara - more BFNs. IVF#1 25R, 15M, 15F. 5DT of two perfect 4AA blasts! Positive HPT at 5dp5dt. Beta #1 6dp5dt - 72. Beta #2 8dp5dt - 285. Beta #3 10dp5dt - 793. Both babies have strong beautiful heartbeats! Baby B miscarried at 7 weeks. Baby A barely holding on. Stick, baby, stick!

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