Pregnant after IF

Frozen embryos and implantation time...

I've heard that frozen embryos can be slower to  complete implantation and thus result in lower initial betas. Has anyone else heard this? Is there any truth to it?
8/2010 IVF#1 (After many failed/cancelled IUI cycles) 3dt of 2 beautiful embryos - 3 frosties Betas-12dp3dt-215 : 16dp3dt-1175 : 20dp3dt-5088 Lilypie Second Birthday tickers 2/2013 FET#1 Transfer of 1 9 cell embryo and 1 7 cell compacted embryo. Beta #1 11dp3dFET - 37 Beta #2 13dp3dFET - 71 Beta #3 16dp3dFET - 297 Beta #4 20dp3dFET - 1300 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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