August 2013 Moms

Are you going back to work after the baby is born?

My DH and I keep going back and forth about what to do. I work an hour away (1 hour each way) and am in my first year in the job. I do not love it. I want to be a SAHM, but we cannot afford that and keep our current lifestyle. On the other hand if I do go back, my salary is a wash because of DC costs. The only difference is part the money going into my retirement account directly from my paycheck.

If I do decide to quit my job, I'd need to find something else to do part time (either tutor, find an hourly job a night or 2 a week, etc so we can still save something each month.) I'm also afraid if I leave my job, it will tarnish my resume. My gut keeps telling me to stay at home though...

What are you planning to do? Are you as on the fence as I am? I wish there was a clear cut "right" way to go.  

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