August 2013 Moms

NT Scan and FB's been a big weekend!

After an extra two weeks of waiting, I finally had my NT scan on Saturday. We were able to hear the heartbeat for the first time after only seeing the flutter at 7 weeks. LO was flipping all over the place and stretching out its little legs. DH was baffled and kept asking if I felt any of that movement. Nope, honey...not yet! 

 We also went Facebook official after the u/s, and I posted belly pictures today. People that missed our announcement on Saturday saw the album, so it's been a slow reveal over the last three days. Then tomorrow I'll tell all my students and the rest of my colleagues who aren't on Facebook.

It's felt so good to let everyone in our secret. I've never been good at keeping secrets, and this has been nearly impossible!

Married since 7/11/09 TTC #1 since 5/12 Clomid cycle #1: 11/12/12 BFP 12/12/12 Progesterone until 2nd trimester BabyFruit Ticker
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