Pregnant after IF

Nervous tonight

So I am currently 6w3d along. Took a peek at our little bean Friday at our 6w mark, (I'm an ER nurse and ran over to the ultrasound dept bc I'm a nervous wreck after 2 m/c's)  saw the little heartbeat flickering at about 95 beats a min. The tech said that's totally normal as it probably just started beating. (God forbid I get a little extra reassurance and it be like 120 already) 

Anyway, I was very pleased to see the little heart beating already. Yesterday and today I've seemed to notice that the nausea hasn't been as frequent throughout the day, and my breasts don't feel "as sore". Only my nipples seem a little sensitive. I still feel tired, but not as wiped as I've felt all along... Even cleaned a bunch of the house today. Something "feels wrong". If that makes any sense. I have mild cramping which I've had all along. No bleeding at all this pg. Praying I'm over analyzing. My first official Ultrasound is Friday with my RE, but that feels so very far away as I sit here tonight feeling uneasy. Maybe I'll call my RE in the morning if I feel the same. I'm so scared to miscarry a 3rd time :( 

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