Pregnant after IF

Need peace of mind please..

I had a bleeding scare at 5w3d it lasted about an hr or two I went to RE immediately they did an u/s and we saw the sac and I was told it was high and my cervix was closed. They switched me from suppository progesterone to PIO. Once home I had bad cramping in waves for about 2 or 3 days. I was told to come back at 6w for another u/s which was this pest Fri. During my u/s they noticed a fibroid outside of my uterus that was "degrading" and they said this could cause severe cramping. But during my u/s I didn't see a hb or get any measurements. I see a lot of ladies on here who see the hb around this time and even before.Why didn't I see one? (also I had an FET if that makes any difference)

My RE is closed today and I just need some kind of peace of mind or opinion. Also my cramping has stopped but I am still having brown spotting which makes it a week exactly of spotting. I am so freaked out about my upcoming appointment this Friday and praying that everything is fine and I hear and see the heart beat.


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